The following are the 22 initial questions asked to all 10 interview participants.
- How old are you?
- How would you describe your gender?
- How would you describe your race?
- Which first-year composition class(es) have you attended or are you attending?
- How many semesters have you been enrolled in ASU?
- Have you been enrolled in another university before ASU?
- Do you consider English to be your first or primary language? If not, what do you consider to be your first or primary language?
- How long have you had your Facebook profile?
- How active are you on Facebook?
- Please describe the type of activities you generally engage in on Facebook. Try to be as detailed as possible.
- Do you see each of these activities as being related to writing, conversation, or something else? Please explain your answer.
- How would you define “composition”?
- Do you think that your activity on Facebook is a type of composition? Please explain why or why not.
- What features might Facebook use and composition have in common?
- Please explain your posting process on Facebook. Consider how you think about posts before posting, how you make a post, and how you gauge whether it was a good or bad post.
- How does your posting process differ for different kinds of media: a status update, a comment, posting a link, posting an image, and so on?
- Who do you think views your Facebook activity most often?
- Do you consider those people when deciding whether or not to post information?
- What are your purposes in posting information on Facebook?
- How do you try to achieve these purposes?
- What device(s) do you normally use to access Facebook?
- Why do you prefer this device (these devices)?