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The Journal of Multimodal Rhetorics

ISSN: 2472-7318


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A computer screen filled with open files and textboxes. 

Wikipedia’s Gender Gap and Disciplinary Praxis: Representing Women Scholars in Digital Rhetoric and Writing Fields

Matthew A. Vetter, John Andelfinger, Shahla Asadolahi, Wenqi Cui, Jialei Jiang, Tyrone Jones, Zeeshan F. Siddique, Inggrit O. Tanasale, Awouignandji Ebenezer Ylonfoun, and Jiawei Xing, Indiana University of Pennsylvania

The authors define and engage in acts of critical digital praxis within Wikipedia to improve the representation of women and women’s research in computers and writing and digital rhetoric fields.

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Walking (in) the Ethnic Aisle: Latinidad/es Stocked in the Market

Ana Roncero-Bellido, Gonzaga University

This essay examines ethnic grocery store aisles to connect their spatial rhetorics to Othering discourses, noting also their ability to promote transnational identification and signify survivance.

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The black and white close-up image of what looks like a stereo speaker. A bronze statue of men wearing cowboy hats and riding on horseback.

Sounding Intimacy

Ben Harley, Northern State University

This sonic essay underscores a need to study more closely the intimate qualities of sound, a persuasive form of communication that permeates the body in communal, cognitive, emotional, psychological, and material ways.

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Corrido-ing State Violence

Romeo Garcia, University of Utah

The Texas Rangers long terrorized Native and Mexican/American people, yet they are often commemorated in lore as heroes. Comics based in such "facts" perpetuate settler myths, but corridos can help oppressed communities decolonize these histories.

Hundreds of tiny profile pictures together form the silhouette of a person. A roll of film unwound; behind it a blue gloved hand holds a tool.

The Literacy of Facebook: SNS Literacy Practices and Learning Transfer in FYC

Ryan P. Shepherd, Ohio University

This article examines the multimodal composition skills that students use on Facebook to understand how those practices are perceived by the users, and suggests implications for learning transfer.

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Video Evidence and Vital Nonhumans

Megan McIntyre, Sonoma State University

Analyzing the role of video and photographic evidence in the aftermath of the 2013 Boston Marathon Bombings, this article shows how these nonhumans (media) acted as a lively co-participants in the construction of networks that produce rhetorical/material agency.

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The tops of Play-Doh containers in many colors sit on a table. A monochromatic image of people in gas masks standing behind an iron fence.

The UnSanctioned Surface: Discovering Daughters' Agency at Play

Scott Lunsford, James Madison University

In this video essay, the composer considers ways of making agency through his daughters' experiences with free play, showing how early literacy practices can and are mediated by diverse material surfaces that are transformed through signifying practices.  

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Dystopoi of Memory and Invention: The Rhetorical 'Places' of Postmodern Dystopian Film

Ben Wetherbee, University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma

The "places" of dystopian space represent our world gone wrong and prove highly persuasive topoi. In particular, the technological swamp and the clinic imbue their narratives with ideological and rhetorical energy that can signify and enhance arguments.

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A diagram showing how image, text, and sound fit into a medium.  

Using Structure and Form as a Rhetorical Frame for Multimodal Composing

Dan Martin, University of Central Florida

Practice based in rhetorical frames and design theory can broaden students' purviews of the multimodal composing process, helping them compose across rhetorical situations in or out of the classroom and in non-/digital settings.

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From the Editor

Dialogues and Demonstrations

Book Reviews